A lot of people tell me that I'm a hard person to follow-- Sometimes I’m laid-back and quiet, some other times I’m bouncing around like crazy. Sometimes I could be the best coffee, office, smoking, drinking buddy you’ll ever have-- and most of the time I’m just there to piss you off. I love drama-- there’s nothing more colorful in this world than the art of making your life look like it’s a top-rater soap opera. I'm working hard to be a good friend and I'm ultra-protective of my family and close friends. I always let my emotions control my actions, some people say it’s bad, but it seemed to have worked good for me SO FAR. I put in a lot of effort in everything that I do, no one can tell the difference otherwise, but once it’s payback time, I can get REALLY nasty. I love travel and adventure. As much as I am a very diligent person, I'm just as a party freak. I plan to straighten out my ways and start fulfilling my dreams of becoming a Senator, a tri-athlete and a pornstar. However, it is my ultimate dream to help save our planet and be an environmentalist, but until I actually do, I’ll keep on being a party animal that I am! Yeeha, bring out the vodka and let’s start rockin’ the house bitches! AMEN.
so you attempted to view 'his' profile? the guy that I like for you? hahaha! pareson kaayo mo, ketch!