The moment I woke up, I immediately ran to my PC and checked my Unionbank online account. Indeed the pay was there so I made a few clicks to pay some bills and deposited money on my other account intended for savings.
I went out for a bit to grab something to eat coz I was starving. When I went back, I realized I forgot to pay one bill so I logged in to Unionbank online again only to find that there was 22 centavos left in my account.
Empty. My account was empty.
I panicked coz I was sure there was still some money left in there. I felt like I was robbed and I instantly had creepy thoughts of online scams and hackers and syndicates or what have you. Really I wouldve preferred if someone pointed a knife on my throat and ran away with all my money, coz then I would not have given in without one bloody fight. But this one is different. All my money gone and I don’t know who stole them.
I sat down wishing it was just a glitch in the website. Online traffic maybe, I don’t know. There could be thousands of other people checking their accounts online on the same website so there could be a good chance the website would fail at that moment.
I checked an hour after and fortunately everything is back. All the money is back in my account.
So there.
What if on a normal day, you wake up and realize that everything is gone?
Your family is gone.
Your money in the bank is gone.
Your friends are gone.
Your job is gone.
Your house and assets are gone.
Your clothes are gone.
I sat down bugged by the questions I asked myself. I wanted to avoid the whole thought of it but a part of me wanted to dig deep down.
Seriously. What am I when I have nothing?
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