
Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Ultimate Battle of Divas and Rockstars

T'was the greatest singing battle in history...

Third Place goes to Keith on his redition of All By Myself by Celine Dion:

The second place goes to Angel on his powerhouse version of And I am Telling You (I'm Not Going)---
And the Ultimate Champ is Brey on his out-of-this-universe version of Somewhere that made Barbra Streisand a thing of the past... Brey is IT! Brey is ettttttttttttt!

I would like to thank the other contestants who vied for the title (Alphie, Marcial, Patrick, Julie, Kirk and Richard B). Thank you guys for being such great sports. lol

Seriously, thank you Alphie for inviting us over your fiesta celebration. We had a super-fun time. Till next year. :)

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